Join Walter Hinchman and Donna Dufresne from the Pomfret Historical Society at the Vanilla Bean Café’ for cozy fireside chats about Pomfret’s historic neighborhoods and hidden history. The Fireside Chats will begin with a ½ hour presentation and continue with Q & A and audience participation. Bring your questions and curiosities about Pomfret’s past and share family history and lore. The southern Village of Abington was established in 1751 when the 50 families living in the southern part of town got permission to build their own meeting house and hire a minister. The Old Abington Burial Ground has 60 Revolutionary War soldiers buried there. Across the road (route 97) were the training grounds for Captain Zebadiah Ingalls’ 11th Regiment, and there were at least two taverns nearby where the seeds of the American Revolution were planted. In the 19th century before the expansion of the Hartford/Providence Turnpike and the railroad, Abington was a bustling crossroads with several stores, a tailor shop, shoe shop, blacksmiths, and several mills on Abington and Mashamoquet Brooks. Admission is Cash Only.