Join Walter Hinchman and Donna Dufresne from the Pomfret Historical Society at the Vanilla Bean Café’ for cozy fireside chats about Pomfret’s historic neighborhoods and hidden history. The Fireside Chats will begin with a ½ hour presentation and continue with Q & A and audience participation. Bring your questions and curiosities about Pomfret’s past and share family history and lore. Pomfret’s Landing Place on the Quinebaug River connected to Norwich and New London where products from Pomfret’s forests and farms made their way to the merchant ships bound for the West Indies. The Thomas Cotton Inn, later owned by Joseph Nightingale, became the “landing place” for travelers from Providence, and the waterfront for loading and unloading trade goods including contraband from Joseph Nightingale’s privateering during the Revolutionary War. Eventually the thriving village of Pomfret Landing included several mills, shops, a general store, a school, and a Baptist congregation. Admission is Cash Only.